I haven't had a lot to say really. I've been so busy with life that I haven't made the time to sit and write about things I think of during the day. When I do get the time, I sit and then can't seem to spit it all out.
Life has been treating us so well lately and I've made decisions on things I never thought I would make. I'm excited for the next semester of school to start and although I'm a little bit overwhelmed with the thought of taking 13 credits, I'm more excited than I can even share. Good things are coming our way and I can't wait to share them!
I can not believe that it's already the 2nd week of school and Joey is adjusting nicely. He had a couple of meltdowns over homework but that's to be expected after being out of school for 7 1/2 weeks. I'm sure he will get used to the nightly homework and hopefully will continue being the good student that he is.
I've lost two more pounds which puts me 14 lbs less than I was the day I turned 30. I'm pretty stoked about it, but not so stoked about my clothes not fitting. I'm still not drinking caffeine and I feel amazing. I have so much more energy, not having to rely on something daily to give me that energy. I'm creating the energy within myself and it's rewarding.
BeUTAHful Murals in South Salt Lake
10 months ago