Every Thursday night we go to the range that we are members at so that Joey can shoot. We registered him in a Marksmanship program put on through both the NRA and the range. We just started going three weeks ago and already he really likes it. He's learning different positions to shoot in, getting great target practice and he will even be learning to clean the gun when he's finished. Its a great way to build discipline and gun safety in our home. Last night he received his first award for "Pro Marksman" and I am so proud of him! I think that it is just the beginning and he's going to go far with his shooting someday. He'll be able to be a part of this program until he's an adult. Not only will he gain skill but also responsibility and patience.
I really don't know what is going on for this weekend. So many different ideas have been tossed around and I'm beginning to think one of two things. Either, 1. There is no planning involved and it's going to be a cluster of a weekend; or 2. Paul is planning something for Valentine's day and is trying to keep it hush hush. It would be odd if he does plan something because he hates Valentine's Day. He believes it isn't even a holiday and we shouldn't need a designated day to say "I Love You". I both agree and disagree with his beliefs but I am not going to get into that.
It's amazing that I have already been up for 3 hours and have finished two loads of laundry, paid bills, harvested crops and drank my coffee. Hard to believe that I actually wrote in my blog two days in a row. Now that all of that is done, I guess it's time to work out and get on with my day.
BeUTAHful Murals in South Salt Lake
10 months ago
Love the pic you took of Joey shooting. Thanks again for inviting me to meet you guys out there. Even though it was so cold I had a lot of fun and learned a lot!
Thank you Stacie! I'm glad you were able to make it out there to meet up with us!
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