"All of our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." -Walt Disney
I absolutely love the above quote. It's so true for so many. No one ever accomplished anything by sitting on the couch talking about "it". The past few days were busy, again. I like it that way. Life is happier.
Yesterday I was very fortunate to work on the set of a Sheraton Commercial Shoot. I don't believe the commercial will be on TV, it's more of a business to business reel that will most likely be private. While it was an extremely long day, (13.5hrs) I am NOT complaining. I met some really great people, made some new connections and of course got to be on camera! For anyone that has read my blog from the beginning you know what that means to me.
Last week I was reminded of how much I love being a stay at home mom. Sometimes I get busy and forget all that it means to be able to stay home and take care of my family. Joey is overall a pretty healthy child. With the exception of asthma, getting H1N1 last November and having a few "digestive" issues, he's very healthy. I haven't ever received a call from the school and when I heard the phone ring and saw that the caller ID said "Public Sch", I knew there had to be something wrong. Of course there was. Joey had slipped in the bathroom on his way back to class after brushing his teeth after lunch (he has braces and I MAKE him do that). After a few hours at the hospital we left with crutches and a knee brace. Luckily it was only a very bad sprain. That was Monday.
Friday, as I'm cleaning the house and going about my daily duties, the phone rings again and it was the school, AGAIN! What now? The nurse advised me that Joe was in her office and having trouble breathing, and needed his inhaler. I grabbed his inhaler and went to the school. He looked as though he had been rolling around in the grass and of course since he's allergic, that is going to set off his asthma.
After these two instances, I started thinking about what would have happened if I was working. Who would take care of him? What if I couldn't get off of work? What if Paul couldn't get off of work? At that moment, I smiled and let my husband know how thankful I am that I stay home. It's worth it.
I'm going to continue pursuing what I want in life and all the while I am going to smile and enjoy the little things.
BeUTAHful Murals in South Salt Lake
10 months ago
I wish my wife could be home but she is the bread winner right now and I am working hard to change that so she is home. It is tough especially in this economy. You are lucky as that is what every family strives for. Count your blessings!! I know you do.
Thanks for the update on Joey! I was wondering how he was doing after his fall. Glad to hear its nothing super serious. Love your blogs..thanks for giving me something to read today :)
I know what you mean I have enjoyed this last year and now that I have to go back to work I worries me what the boys are going to do without me.
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