Today is day five without caffeine and I feel amazing. No headache, no anxiety and none of the other withdrawal symptoms. It's an empowering feeling really, because it is an addiction and I've broken myself of that addiction in less than two weeks. I am in control of my body and it's awesome. And now, while I write this blog, I'm eating vanilla yogurt (80 calories) with 3/4 Cup of fresh blueberries. It's almost as good as eating a bowl of Mint Moose Tracks ice cream. (notice I said almost.)
Our weekend was great. The weather was hot but that didn't stop us from spending time outdoors. On Friday afternoon, we went on a family date to see "Toy Story 3" and out to dinner at Olive Garden. Dinner was delicious and the movie was your typical Disney/Pixar movie. I thought it was good... I cried way too much though. Why do I cry so much when watching movies? Who knows... I've been that way since I was a toddler and it seems to have only gotten worse with my age.
Saturday morning we had to trim a few of our trees. It's nearing the time for monsoons and some of them had some branches that really needed trimming. After a few hours of sweating outside, a run to the dump and a trip to Home Depot, we were able to relax by the pool and hang out. Our friends Jason and Erin came by and we ordered pizza and hung out for the evening.
Sunday, we went to Big Surf water park in Tempe and had a great time. Water slides and 112 degree weather are a perfect match. Unhealthy adults in itty bitty bikinis, not so much a perfect match. We enjoyed people watching, had a corn dog for lunch and stayed almost until closing. That evening, I was reassured once again, how much my boys love me. I have the most thoughtful, caring, intelligent son a mom could ask for and my husband is amazingly caring, adorable and thoughtful.
I really am happy with where my life is and what's to come next. I'm excited for our new journeys and the curveballs life will throw at us. I'm thoroughly in love with my husband with life in general.
BeUTAHful Murals in South Salt Lake
10 months ago