Just two short months ago DH and I decided to have a baby. When the decision was made, I cried, he cried and I immediately stopped taking my BC Pills. I weaned off of caffeine and haven't had a drop of alcohol since. All in hopes of getting pregnant and making a healthy baby.
Last week, Sunday the 19th of September to be exact, I got the urge to take a pregnancy test. My emotions overwhelmed me as I looked down and saw the two pink lines showing me that yes, indeed, we are going to have a baby. I went to my first Dr. appt on September 21 where she did confirm that I am pregnant and calculated a due date of May 29, 2011. I cried some more.
Today, I am 5 weeks, 2 days pregnant and I am happier than I have been in a really long time. We are choosing not to tell anyone for a while, with Joey being the first to find out in a few weeks. Our first ultrasound is scheduled for October 21 and at that point I will be 8 weeks pregnant. We plan on telling Joey sometime that week after he gets home from visiting his dad.
It's killing me inside to not tell anyone, but a part of me kind of likes it. It's a little secret that only Paul and I know and I believe it's really brought us closer together. He is my only source of conversation about the topic so of course I'm rattling his ears with new information every day, (not to mention the mood-swings and daily crying bouts). We'd really love to travel home to California sometime around Thanksgiving so that we can tell everyone in person, just not sure how well that will work out. There is no way I can wait until Christmas...
So far I'm feeling pretty good. I'm walking 2-3 miles 5-6 days a week and am eating even healthier than I was before. Nausea is starting to kick in here and there, mostly in the middle of the night and in the morning. I get huge bouts of energy and then I get extremely tired. I try to rest when I am feeling tired because I know it's my body's way of telling me to do so.
I'm so thrilled that we are going to have a baby, and I really don't care if "it's" a boy or a girl as long as it's healthy. This morning I weighed in at 121lbs and am still pretty small.... makes me wonder how soon I'll start showing, since this is baby #2, and am hoping I can still hide it until at least Thanksgiving. Otherwise they might just be finding out via Skype.
BeUTAHful Murals in South Salt Lake
10 months ago
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