I am 39 weeks, 4 days if you go by my original due date of May 29. This little guy is definitely NOT coming early as Joey did and I am ok with that. He will come when he's ready! I've been spending as much one on one time with Joey as possible and Paul and I have even been making sure to get our alone time in as well. Soon, it will be the four of us! Our maternity photo shoot came out fabulous!! There are so many photos to choose from, but we aren't going to order any until after Erin does the newborn photos. You can see a sneak peek of the shoot on her Facebook Page.
It's hard to believe there are only five days of school left for Joey. Why they don't just end this Friday is beyond me... Both him and Paul have a 3-day weekend ahead and will probably go riding again, pending Honda's arrival. They went out to the track together the other day and had a great time. I love seeing them do that, even though I'm jealous that I can't ride right now. Soon enough, I'll be back on my bike!
I have an appointment with my midwife this morning and am very anxious. I have been having so many Braxton Hick's contractions over the past month, and they are starting to get pretty intense at times. They just aren't making any progress! I guess I feed Honda too well, he's happy in there. (either that or he knows how hot it is outside).
Hopefully my next post will be my birth story....
[caption id="attachment_497" align="aligncenter" width="224" caption="My handsome little man & I at his band concert"]
To see more of Erin's photography, visit her website! She's AMAZING!!!
E L Hicks Photography