I guess this month has been a busy one. Started with my first 1/2 marathon, my fourth wedding anniversary, hot yoga and new friendships! School has been keeping me busy in my spare time, wait a minute. Spare time? I have that?
Travis is completely off of his medications for acid reflux. He's been med-free for a little over a month now! I am so excited about this and happy that he is doing well without them. My next step with him is working on weaning him off of the liquid gold, also known at Neocate. It costs us almost $600/month and I'm ready to move on. I'm hoping he is too. This week I've played around a little with spiking his bottles with Alimentum, still expensive formula but much cheaper than the other. He seems to do ok when I mix his bottles half and half but when I started doing full bottles of it, he was getting fussier. Not sure if it was a coincidental bad day? Or the formula.. He turned 10 months on Tuesday of this week (March 27) and started taking his first steps a couple weeks ago. (Our anniversary actually, March 14, 2012). I am excited and nervous all at the same time! It seems so soon for him to be walking, it's the neatest thing to be washing dishes and look over to see him slowly walking towards me. My little baby is growing up, too fast.
Joey had a great trip to his dads this month, they went off-roading, camping, and had some bonding time. I've had some great bonding time with him as well and I'm really enjoying watching him grow into a handsome young man. It's hard to believe he's going to be a "teenager" in just a few short months. August will be here before I know it!
As for me, I'm doing fabulous. I accomplished a goal earlier this month and it was very emotional for me. Running 13.1 miles was so empowering and fulfilling and I can't wait to do it again! Some new friends I've made and I are thinking of going to San Francisco in October for the Nike Women's Half Marathon. That would be fantastic. The only downside to the 1/2 marathon is I was left with horrible shin splints a few days after finishing. I took it easy for a couple weeks, until it felt better but when I started running again I've developed ankle pain. It hurts pretty bad and it's really frustrating when all I want to do is step out for a run. I've been icing, doing my own physical therapy on it and trying to recoup because I am doing the Warrior Dash at the end of April. CAN. NOT. MISS.IT.
I've been going to hot yoga for the last three weeks and I am so addicted. It is my new therapy and I am so thankful for the body I have and that I can do hot yoga. It's so great for the mind, body and soul. I've learned things about myself that I didn't know before and it truly is my new weekly therapy. I'm going twice a week and am doing really well, learning new poses and strengthening my practice.
One of my classes is over next week, so I am happy to gain some extra time back in my days. Travis doesn't always take long naps and I count on that time to do homework, as I really don't like to do homework after he's gone to bed, that's my time for P and Joey. I'm still cooking a ton and have gotten much better at my cake pops. I'm excited for my new found hobbies and for everything that comes next!
BeUTAHful Murals in South Salt Lake
10 months ago
1 comment:
Glad to see you're keeping busy Rene! It's never a dull moment in your life! And 10 months!? It seems like you just had that boy 2 months ago! ;)
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