February 1, means a few different things. One, in ten days I'm going to be another year older. Two, tomorrow is Groundhog day and our little fuzzy friend Phil is going to either see his shadow or not see his shadow. I am kind of hoping that he does see his shadow tomorrow, because ideally that means there will be six more weeks of winter and me being pregnant, sounds pretty nice.
When I moved to Arizona in the fall of 2008 the weather was fantastic. Summer was nearing an end and I got to enjoy my first bit of Arizona fall weather. I was in love. Once the winter came, I fell even deeper in love and as spring crept up in 2009 I was completely head over heels in love with Arizona weather. I keep reading all of these posts on Facebook and Twitter about ice storms and snow and delayed or cancelled flights and it makes me so thankful to live in such a nice climate. Don't get me wrong, it's cold here too... I think tomorrow it's only supposed to be a high of 48 degrees temperatures dipping into the 20's for the next three nights. But, it's still sunny blue skies and that's what I need to see every day.
I'm not a person who could live in a place that is cloudy and gloomy all of the time. I need to see the rays of sunshine coming through my windows and that feeling of warmth when I walk outside even on the coldest days. The few summer months that are 100 degrees and warmer are so worth the weather we get the rest of the year.
I have always wondered what truth there actually is behind this whole groundhog and his shadow deal, especially since he's apparently been doing this for the last 125 years. Do groundhogs really live that long? I think not... Either way, it's a fun little yearly activity to look forward to. Here's to hoping he sees his shadow!
BeUTAHful Murals in South Salt Lake
10 months ago
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