It is hard to believe that I will be 32 weeks pregnant on Sunday. It still feels like it was just yesterday that I peed on a stick and it showed that little plus sign. This week marks the first week that I feel very pregnant. It all seemed to hit me at once, the fatigue, the hot flashes, worsening leg cramps, discomfort at night while trying to sleep and of course, my appetite has sort of gone away as I have no room to put in any food. Little Honda likes to keep his feet nestled nice and cozy in my ribs with the occasional punch to my bladder. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world though, as uncomfortable as it may be some times I truly love being pregnant.
Joey is back and we are back to normal around the house. Football has resumed and he's been doing his chores without me having to ask. He brought his report card home on Wednesday and we are very proud of him. All B's and one A. Much better than his last report card. It will be great if he can bring them all back up and get straight A's for his last quarter of 6th grade.
We've been looking for a new dirt bike for Joey for about a month now, and most of the ones we go and look at look nothing like the photos that people have posted of it on craigslist. It's like they know how to take the photos so the bike looks great, we drive out to the boonies and it's a piece of crap. Paul was fortunate enough to find a bike this week that looked exceptionally clean and as we drove 45 minutes north/west, we hoped that it really was what he said it was and what it looked like in the photos. It turned out to be everything that it appeared to be and MORE! We got such a great deal, on a newer bike and he threw in a brand new paddle tire, and pretty much everything else he had for the bike, as he didn't need any of it anymore. Joey is so excited and I can't wait to see him ride it!
We have company coming today, a friend I've known since 1st grade along with her husband and 18 month old little girl. She is coming for my baby shower that she is throwing tomorrow and I can't wait!!! It means so much to me that she is flying out here to visit us and host my shower. I think there are about 10 people coming, so it should be perfect. Only thing that isn't so perfect is it's supposed to be 96 degrees tomorrow.... good thing it's a "dry heat"
Off to do laundry and other miscellaneous chores that need to be done before the weekend. Its only 8:30 and I'm already exhausted...
BeUTAHful Murals in South Salt Lake
10 months ago
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