I'm not too sure what I want to do. Do I want to continue to stay home? Go to work? I want to have a career that means something to me. I dont want to go to work just to "go to work". However I dont have the time or money to go to school...such a delima. Not sure what to do. I do know that I will not go back into law enforcement. Not as a dispatcher anyways. Not even a police officer. I just dont know.....
Paul is at work, again. Today. He worked all day yesterday and now he's back at work again today. I hate it. I shouldn't complain, really I shouldn't. By him going to work allows me to stay home, and he did take a few days off last week so we could go camping. But....he deserves those days off. That is why he is given vacation time.
So...I'm browsing jobs on the internet while I give Joey a little bit of video game time before we head outside to swim. It's supposed to be hot again today. Another excessive heat warning in effect. Hopefully the pool is refreshing.
Yesterday was great fun. Paul's cousin Stacie came over in the afternoon and hung out with Joey and I. She brought this underwater digital camera she has and I am in love with it! I have to get one. Maybe we'll go to Costco this afternoon and take a look at it....hmmm.
My coffee is almost gone which means my internet time is up. I need to get up and get moving, but I dont want to. I have absolutely no motivation to do anything today. Maybe because it's Sunday and it's supposed to be a day of rest and relaxation...I feel like something is missing in my life and I just can't quite fi
gure out what it is.....

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