Monday, August 10, 2009

Really? Are you kidding me?

The weekend flew by, can't believe it is already Monday. Again. Didn't do much this weekend. Went to the apple store on Saturday and played with some of the computers. Was looking for some new headphones for Paul's iPhone but didn't really want to spend $130 on them. While he was looking at those and Joey was playing with iPhones, I fell in love. At first I thought I was in love with the Mac Mini but no.... it's the 20" monitor "iMac". Sigh.... someday.... I'm such a computer geek and I love multimedia applications and the Internet, really really really love the iMac.'s on my list of wants. Which is a long list. My dad used to tease me when I was younger because I always had a list of wants.... Maybe I should share it? OK, here goes...
And goes on and on and on....I'll stop there. I'm starting to sound spoiled or something. Maybe I'll just split it up and it won't sound so bad...

Had a lovely conversation with my ex husband yesterday. Very interesting. We don't talk. EVER. I mean, EVER! We don't get a long and I don't know that we ever will. We have been divorced for 5 years now. I'm not going to get into all of the juicy details of our "chat" but I will say that he offered to take my flying. Um, ya, let me think about that, NO! Are you kidding me? You and me in a small plane together? Alone? hahahahahahahahah...not even going to elaborate on that one. If you are reading and you know me know why this is not a good idea! So, we'll just leave it at that. The end of the conversation did go a little something like this:

Joe , "See you don't hate me that much :)"
Me, "I wouldn't go as far as saying that...."

Until next time, which will most likely be later today when I blog about what I got Joey for his birthday, later....

1 comment:

April said...

I have a list of wants too.... some of the same things that are on your list are also on mine. LOL, so now you have a PIC with being spoiled :) I like those love sacks... I wish I had room like you do for it... I would buy one!
We might have to call and chit chat so I can hear this phone call :)